Anorexie mentale

Après son anorexie, elle partage les photos de sa guérison

Ancienne anorexique, Sarah Rav, jeune étudiante en médecine, a partagé sur son compte Instagram d'impressionnantes photos de son rétablissement.

Après son anorexie, elle partage les photos de sa guérison Capture d'écran / Instagram / @Sarah Rav

L’anorexie est une maladie mentale qui peut tuer. Les clichés Instagram de Sarah Rav, qui pesait 30 kilos au plus fort de ses troubles alimentaires, sont là pour le rappeler. Aujourd’hui rétablie, l’étudiante en médecine de 20 ans publie sur le réseau social des avant/après sa guérison impressionnants.

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When I was sick, I thought I DIDN’T DESERVE to eat ????? I thought that all food was an “indulgence” and that true strength was being able to withstand the temptation. This mindset wasn’t limited to “junk food” but any food ???????????? That meant that I though eating basic amounts that any body would need to SURVIVE would mean I was a “failure” and not strong/determined enough. - As you can imagine, it was hell. But you know what? I am SO thankful for making it through this. Because every single day, when I get bombarded with messages from people in the same position as I was, I understand exactly where they’re coming from BUT I also understand exactly what they need to hear. - It can be easy to look at the girl on the left and worry only about physical health. It can be easy to forcefeed her so that she LOOKS healthy again on the outside. . Except, you haven’t fixed the problem?? Instead, to every single person who reaches out to me, I explain to them HOW LIBERATING it is to be free of that destructive mindset ????????????????‍?? . I know that it’s not just a physical change that they need. It’s mental. They need to know that they are WORTHY. ???? They need to know that they are loved at ANY SHAPE and size. They need to know that they DESERVE to enjoy food. That they DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY. That they DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. - And if knowing this has helped any of the hundreds of tortured souls I’ve talked through, then the terrible sh*t I went through 100% worth it.

Une publication partagée par Previously @fitandfiesty (@sarahrav) le

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WINNER IS @EILEENVYANG!! Please send me an email to claim your prize ???????? Thank you all for entering ???????? - GIVEAWAY TIME! Keep reading for more info below ???????????????? - Surviving (barely) --> THRIVING ???????? There's an 18kg difference between these photos, but I didn't just gain weight, I gained STRENGTH ???????? - HOW? I started LIFTING HEAVY again! No cardio, just weights. To do this, I followed my own 12 Week Transformation Program. This helped me regain the muscle that I lost AND helped increase my appetite, thus making it even easier for me to keep gaining! - If you're in the same position I was (desperately trying to gain weight/curves) I would seriously recommend that you JOIN ME on this program! You can sign up at www.fitandfiestyapp.com (or via the link in my bio). The program has 5x HEAVY LIFTING WORKOUTS per week, and I'm there to guide to every step of the way. Doesn't matter if you're new to the gym or super advanced, the program is suited to everyone!! - So that’s what I’m going to GIVEAWAY! I will choose 1 lucky winner to receive my 12 Week Total Body Transformation Program for FREE. . TO ENTER; TAG a friend in the comments below. 1 Comment = 1 entry. More Tags/Comment = More Entries. I'll choose the winner randomly in a week from now. Good luck ????????

Une publication partagée par Previously @fitandfiesty (@sarahrav) le

Toujours très fine, elle a visiblement repris du poids et des muscles. L’anorexie a été son cauchemar pendant plusieurs années. Obsédée par son désir de perdre du poids, cette Australienne faisait trois heures de sport par jour, jusqu’à en saigner du nez. Elle cachait son mal-être sous des vêtements amples, mais les ecchymoses et son visage décharné ont tout de même alerté ses professeurs, qui ont décidé d’agir. Hospitalisée, elle n’a pu revenir à l’université sans l’accord d’un médecin et d’un psychologue.

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Looking back on these "before pictures" actually make my heart ache ???? My heart aches for the girl I was at that time. The amount of sh*t I put her through and her body through, all the while thinking it was "healthy" and "good for me" when in fact, I was depriving myself of so much. I was depriving myself from LIVING. It's crazy that I didn't realise how terribly I was treating my body back then. And it's hard not to blame myself. But assigning blame won't do me any good. Instead, I can only focus on MOVING FORWARD from here.???????? I can only LEARN from my mistakes. ???????? I can only GROW from my experiences.???????? - "The journey is long and steep, but the view from the top is amazing." ??

Une publication partagée par Previously @fitandfiesty (@sarahrav) le

Sarah Rav a repris 19 kilos

Grâce aux soins, Sarah Rav a repris 19 kilos, une alimentation saine, ses études et a crée un programme sportif. Sensibiliser aux troubles alimentaires sur les réseaux sociaux est aussi devenu son combat. Preuve que les patients peuvent s’en sortir, même si le compte Instagram de la jeune fille reste très focalisé sur son apparence physique et la nourriture.

L’anorexie mentale se caractérise par un refus de s'alimenter, malgré la sensation de faim intense, ainsi qu'un refus de prendre du poids alors que le corps est de fait très amaigri. La personne souffrant d'anorexie mentale a le sentiment d'être toujours en surpoids et cherche à maigrir par tous les moyens. Cela passe notamment par le contrôle des calories de tous les aliments consommés.

Entre 0,9 et 1,5 % des femmes

Cette obsession de la perte de poids sous l’influence de facteurs psycho–comportementaux fait de l'anorexie mentale une pathologie psychiatrique relevant d’une prise en charge spécifique. L'anorexie mentale peut être associée à des conduites boulimiques.

L'anorexie mentale est une pathologie relativement rare (entre 0,9 et 1,5 % des femmes et 0,2 à 0,3 % des hommes). Elle touche en majorité les filles (90 % des cas), mais aussi de plus en plus les garçons. Les pics d'apparition de la maladie se situent entre 13–14 ans et 16–17 ans.

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